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Top Personal Finance Tips Anybody Can Use

By Joy Clemmons

You owe it to yourself to become knowledgeable about your personal finances. You work hard for your money and spend a lot of time doing so. You can use the knowledge you have about your finances to help you reach whatever financial goal you have set out to achieve for yourself.

Give you child a piggy bank. It is never too early to teach your young child about saving money. When you show a child how money can be earned and saved, he will retain this knowledge as he is growing up. This will steer him in the right direction in managing his own finances when he grows up.

Cooking meals in your home instead of eating out is a great way to save some serious cash if you want to improve your personal financial situation. You can cook a healthy, substantial meal for a family of four for around $30. Ordering two pizzas and a 2-liter will cost you more than that these days.

Look for a high-yield savings account to make your money work for you. While many of these accounts do not yield the interest they did a few years ago, most of them do not require a minimum deposit and will give you a bit of return on your money. Additionally, they are more liquid than investments, making them a good place to stash your emergency fund.

A little maintenance, such as keeping the proper tire pressure or changing oil and other fluids at proper times, saves a lot of money by preventing damage. Tires and engines last longer and the mechanic may spot other problems while they are still small and relatively easy to repair. Your car runs better, gets better gas mileage and you save money.

Talking to a business professor or other teacher who specializes in money or some financial aspect can give one helpful advice and insight into one's personal finances. This casual conversation can also be more relaxed for one to learn in than a classroom and is more personable than looking on the internet.

Spending as entertainment is a bad idea. If you charge stuff that you can't afford, like a supercharger, body kit and coil-overs for your boring 10-year-old Honda or a top-of-the-line PC with studio-grade surround speakers and three 24 inch monitors just to spice up your video games, you are crashing straight into unmanageable debt.

Make sure you qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy before you waste money on a consultation. Under the 2005 bankruptcy reforms, only people who make less than the median income for their state can file for Chapter 7 protection. If you happen to make more than that, you can still set up a Chapter 13 repayment plan.

Use these tips to help you organize your personal finances in case of an emergency. Taking care of your finances will help you relax and feel less stressful because you know that you are prepared for any possibility. Getting your finances in shape now is the smart thing to do.

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