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How To Select The Best Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Attorney Georgia

By Enid Hinton

Filing for bankruptcy is one the toughest decisions a person can consider in a lifetime. However, when you finally decide to do away with your debts and start a fresh financial life, it is important that you make informed choices. Choosing an attorney to handle your application process is hence very important. When looking for a chapter 7 bankruptcy attorney Georgia residents should observe the following factors.

Chapter 7 is the most common type of bankruptcy filed by individuals and businesses. With this chapter, nonexempt assets are sold and the money obtained from the sale advanced to creditors. After filing, creditors are not allowed to bother you with requests to get back their money. When the assets are liquidated and creditors paid, all your debts are cancelled and you will not be answerable to them.

However, there are debts that cannot be discharged under this chapter. These include child support and alimony, criminal fines such as those for drunk driving, purchases made recently involving substantial amounts and debts which were incurred through fraudulent dealings and wrongdoing. Your trustee will carefully check if there are nonexempt assets that can be sold to the benefit of unsecured creditors.

Irrespective of the approach used in locating prospective attorneys, it is important that you personally evaluate their suitability for your case. Among the first things you need to check is specialization. There are many lawyers in the industry today handling cases in different areas. There are also some who purport to provide services in almost every issue. A specialized lawyer understands the ins and outs of this process, and will thus give you the best advice.

After locating prospective attorneys, consider evaluating their suitability for your representation. One of the first things you need to check is level of specialization. You want an individual who has dedicated his practice to handling bankruptcy cases in Atlanta GA. A specialized attorney will easily make an application that incorporates all the necessary information, so as to make the process smoother and without any hitches.

Experience in the industry is another serious consideration. You need to know how long the individual has been in the industry and how many similar cases he or she has handled successfully. An experienced lawyer will ensure that all necessary information is documented during preparation of a petition. However, the success of an application cannot only be determined by the number of years an attorney has been practicing, rather through his effectiveness and competence.

The cost of services is another concern. During such times, it is expected that you do not have a lot of money to pay the attorney. It is hence very important that you take time and compare rates of a number of lawyers so you know who charges reasonably. However, this does not necessarily mean that you settle for the cheapest lawyer you find.

Selecting a competent attorney to help you out with your bankruptcy application is an important decision. The professional will help make the process smoother with little or no hassles. To find a good lawyer, consider asking for recommendations from friends and other people who have been in a similar position.Consider personally evaluating the suitability of located lawyers.

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