By Didier Couche Factoring receivables is among the best kept secrets which will truly maximize your income within your business. It may be your most valued asset. Many may not determine what factoring receivables is but when you do, you will be able to use it to your benefit and commence making your company credit worthy right away. This technique is actually selling your invoice assets. Normally they'll be sold to some 3rd party, that is a Factor. This may allow you to get rid of the business cycle to enable you to get money straight away. You will get money immediately without having to concern yourself with trying to get payments from customers. There are lots of benefits to this technique. First, you may get cash immediately rather than have debt. You obtain payments immediately. Also, your invoicing is kept simple which means you don't have to pay as many employees. For small enterprises, this is extremely appealing, particularly if cash flow is low and funds is need...