By John Vopel People that wish to own a home but who need to borrow money to buy the home can make use of a mortgage that means having to create a lien on their home in order to secure the loan which helps to pay for the home and which is paid back over a fixed period of time. This form of loan will help ensure that the borrower promises to pay back the loan and such loans are also something that is available in a variety of sizes and shapes with each having their own set of plus and minus points. It is therefore a good idea to pick the mortgage option very carefully and ensure taking only an amount of money that you can pay back given your present and future financial situations. A mortgage rate calculator is usually used in order to estimate your monthly payment amounts though there are other uses as well to the mortgage rate calculator including for many real-life uses. You should realize that availing of a mortgage means making a financial commitment that may last for many decad...