By Destiny Speice For me, I am looking forward to this golf club Left Handed Callaway Diablo Edge Irons for some time. To my surprise, the cost is much lower than anticipated, and also the services are good. The callaway diablo edge irons features stainless steel irons that are the longest Callaway has ever created. This added length provides increased distance without diminishing really feel or performance. The Solid Impact Sole is designed to mitigate the results of heavy and thin shots and enhance the influence place around the face for greater distance. Callaway Golf primary technologies like VFT, S2H2, a 360-Degree Undercut Channel and Modified Tru-Bore work together to increase distance, feel and playability. The Callaway Edge Irons offer increased distance without compromising feel or even efficiency. The lower, deeper center of gravity (CG) tends to make the fairly sweet spot much more accessible and it is in line along with exactly where amateurs most commonly strik...