By Ophelia Watts Increasingly, people who might once have paid their bills with clockwork regularity might find themselves needing to know how to obtain contract phones without having to undergo a financial "root canal" first. Nobody these days seems safe from losing a house, or a car, or from losing the job that pays the college tuition. Anything might come along and, for quite some time, leave a dent in our Equifax score. The issue is knowing where to shop where that credit rating will not be an issue. Phone companies using telemarketers are paying out commissions on each new customer they gain. This means they have an extra incentive to make certain these new customers will not default on their third or fourth monthly payment. Hence greater scrutiny, including a thorough search of applicants' financial histories . Where to go to get guaranteed mobile contracts no credit check mobile phones By contrast, employees at phone company stores or kiosks ar...