Natural treatments and remedies are an extremely effective way of relieving the symptoms of non-allergic rhinitis.
Where you don't suffer from allergies but constantly have a blocked and/or runny nose, you have what is termed in the medical profession as 'non-allergic rhinitis'.
When the mucus glands in the nose become stimulated and the nasal membrane becomes swollen the symptoms of rhintis occur such as nasal congestion and a runny nose. The triggers for this nasal inflammation can be;- irritants in the air such as dust, chemical fumes, strong smells, smoke etc., changes in the weather, viral infections, certain food types such as spicy or hot food, alcohol, drugs such as ibuprofen, aspirin, beta blockers, sedatives, anti-depressants etc., prolonged use of decongestant nasal sprays, hormone changes, stress, hypothyroidism.
The symptoms include;- runny nose, nasal congestion and difficulty breathing, sinus/facial pain, sinus/facial tenderness, sinus/facial pressure, headaches, pain in teeth, pain in jaw, pain in ears, pain through and around eyes, fatigue, dizziness, drainage of a thick yellow or green discharge from the nose or down the back of the throat (post nasal drip), reduced sense of smell and taste, cough (which may be worse at night), nausea, sore throat and halitosis (bad breath), irritability, sleep disorders, anxiety and nervousness, chronic nose bleeds, perforated septum, dry/crusty nasal passages, rapid heart beat.
Many people with non-allergic rhinitis have found these natural treatments and remedies extremely effective at relieving their symptoms.
Natural nasal sprays - Natural nasal sprays such as SinuSoothe are doctor recommended and contain natural ingredients which relieve inflammation, nasal congestion, sinus pain, headaches, remove airborne irritants etc. In addition it contains natural anti-histamines that relieve a runny, itchy nose and sneezing etc. It also desensitises the mucus membrane therefore makes the nasal passages less likely to be irritated by airborne irritants. It also kills bacterial and fungal infections. SinuSoothe can be used long term, is non addictive and has no side effects.
Saline nose sprays - These are extremely useful for moisturizing dry sinus passages, relieving nasal congestion and removing irritants that are causing the rhinitis. They come in two forms - isotonic and hypertonic solutions and it is important to find a saline nasal spray that is free from chemicals.
Irrigation of nasal passages - Using either an isotonic or hypertonic solution, this is administered to the sinus passages using a neti-pot or similar device. The sheer quantity of saline used can effectively relieve nasal congestion and remove irritants.
Anti-histamines (natural) - These can be effective for some non-allergic rhinitis sufferer's. Butterbur and stinging nettle in particular can be used in lieu of otc anti-histamines and have been clinically proven to be just as effective.
Anti-inflammatories (natural) - Turmeric, ginger, omega 3 oils and vitamin C are all excellent natural alternatives to ibuprofen, aspirin etc. They do not cause the same undesirable side effects and by reducing inflammation they can reduce rhinitis symptoms.
Improving immune function - Improving immune system function by supplementing a healthy diet with vitamins can regulate the body's reaction to irritants. Exercise, reducing stress and sleep also assist the immune system.
Avoid the triggers - You should avoid whatever triggers your rhinitis such as strong odours, tobacco smoke etc. whenever it is practical to do so.
As with all medical conditions you should always consult your doctor before undertaking new treatments.
Where you don't suffer from allergies but constantly have a blocked and/or runny nose, you have what is termed in the medical profession as 'non-allergic rhinitis'.
When the mucus glands in the nose become stimulated and the nasal membrane becomes swollen the symptoms of rhintis occur such as nasal congestion and a runny nose. The triggers for this nasal inflammation can be;- irritants in the air such as dust, chemical fumes, strong smells, smoke etc., changes in the weather, viral infections, certain food types such as spicy or hot food, alcohol, drugs such as ibuprofen, aspirin, beta blockers, sedatives, anti-depressants etc., prolonged use of decongestant nasal sprays, hormone changes, stress, hypothyroidism.
The symptoms include;- runny nose, nasal congestion and difficulty breathing, sinus/facial pain, sinus/facial tenderness, sinus/facial pressure, headaches, pain in teeth, pain in jaw, pain in ears, pain through and around eyes, fatigue, dizziness, drainage of a thick yellow or green discharge from the nose or down the back of the throat (post nasal drip), reduced sense of smell and taste, cough (which may be worse at night), nausea, sore throat and halitosis (bad breath), irritability, sleep disorders, anxiety and nervousness, chronic nose bleeds, perforated septum, dry/crusty nasal passages, rapid heart beat.
Many people with non-allergic rhinitis have found these natural treatments and remedies extremely effective at relieving their symptoms.
Natural nasal sprays - Natural nasal sprays such as SinuSoothe are doctor recommended and contain natural ingredients which relieve inflammation, nasal congestion, sinus pain, headaches, remove airborne irritants etc. In addition it contains natural anti-histamines that relieve a runny, itchy nose and sneezing etc. It also desensitises the mucus membrane therefore makes the nasal passages less likely to be irritated by airborne irritants. It also kills bacterial and fungal infections. SinuSoothe can be used long term, is non addictive and has no side effects.
Saline nose sprays - These are extremely useful for moisturizing dry sinus passages, relieving nasal congestion and removing irritants that are causing the rhinitis. They come in two forms - isotonic and hypertonic solutions and it is important to find a saline nasal spray that is free from chemicals.
Irrigation of nasal passages - Using either an isotonic or hypertonic solution, this is administered to the sinus passages using a neti-pot or similar device. The sheer quantity of saline used can effectively relieve nasal congestion and remove irritants.
Anti-histamines (natural) - These can be effective for some non-allergic rhinitis sufferer's. Butterbur and stinging nettle in particular can be used in lieu of otc anti-histamines and have been clinically proven to be just as effective.
Anti-inflammatories (natural) - Turmeric, ginger, omega 3 oils and vitamin C are all excellent natural alternatives to ibuprofen, aspirin etc. They do not cause the same undesirable side effects and by reducing inflammation they can reduce rhinitis symptoms.
Improving immune function - Improving immune system function by supplementing a healthy diet with vitamins can regulate the body's reaction to irritants. Exercise, reducing stress and sleep also assist the immune system.
Avoid the triggers - You should avoid whatever triggers your rhinitis such as strong odours, tobacco smoke etc. whenever it is practical to do so.
As with all medical conditions you should always consult your doctor before undertaking new treatments.
About the Author:
Learn more about nasal sprays and natural nasal sprays by visiting Helen at SinuSoothe's website. Helen Miller has already helped many rhinitis sufferer's and is always glad to be of assistance.