Increasingly, people who might once have paid their bills with clockwork regularity might find themselves needing to know how to obtain contract phones without having to undergo a financial "root canal" first. Nobody these days seems safe from losing a house, or a car, or from losing the job that pays the college tuition. Anything might come along and, for quite some time, leave a dent in our Equifax score. The issue is knowing where to shop where that credit rating will not be an issue.
Phone companies using telemarketers are paying out commissions on each new customer they gain. This means they have an extra incentive to make certain these new customers will not default on their third or fourth monthly payment. Hence greater scrutiny, including a thorough search of applicants' financial histories .
By contrast, employees at phone company stores or kiosks are typically being paid on an hourly basis without commissions. Companies who use this method but who do not telemarket will likely be free to accept a higher degree of risk. This means those who wish to get a mobile phone without too much inquiry into their history might choose to visit their local strip mall.
The pattern repeats itself. The lower the phone company overhead, the more risk they can take with someone who might be something of a risk. If there is anything less expensive than a kiosk, it is having potential customers apply directly online. In fact, companies that do not use telemarketers but do have stores, such as T-Mobile, Orange, and 3-Mobile, might reject a customer who applies at a store only to accept him or her later that day when they apply online.
T-Mobile is the first choice for many customers, who look here and are satisfied by its combination of savings and reputation. Taking on a large, worldwide base of customers is part of its market strategy, and this means taking on those who might live close to the margin economically. This is not something T-Mobile is likely to advertise, because it is not in their interest to be known as a poor folks phone, but anyone who applies directly online is likely to be accepted by T-Mobile.
T-Mobile and its top competitors all scramble for that big global market. 3 Mobile and Orange are aggressively chasing T-Mobile. In this situation, customers might catch a great deal from either of them if they keep their eyes open. Like T-Mobile, neither phone company wants to specifically advertise that it does not require credit checks, but most anyone applying directly online ought to be accepted.
It is certainly best to choose an inexpensive cell phone. This is not just a matter of saving cash, or avoiding the appearance of vanity. Better credit is usually needed to purchase the better phones, so selecting one might make you subject to having a check run which you might otherwise have avoided.
The SIM card-only option is the least expensive of all, and it certainly does not demand any search. It does however demand that you have still kept an old cell phone. Since the company does not have to provide a cell phone itself, it is free to pass on the savings to its customers. Each of the three major phone companies under discussion offers its own SIM service for customers interested in how to obtain contract phones without having to undergo a credit check.
Phone companies using telemarketers are paying out commissions on each new customer they gain. This means they have an extra incentive to make certain these new customers will not default on their third or fourth monthly payment. Hence greater scrutiny, including a thorough search of applicants' financial histories .
Where to go to get guaranteed mobile contracts no credit check mobile phones
By contrast, employees at phone company stores or kiosks are typically being paid on an hourly basis without commissions. Companies who use this method but who do not telemarket will likely be free to accept a higher degree of risk. This means those who wish to get a mobile phone without too much inquiry into their history might choose to visit their local strip mall.
The pattern repeats itself. The lower the phone company overhead, the more risk they can take with someone who might be something of a risk. If there is anything less expensive than a kiosk, it is having potential customers apply directly online. In fact, companies that do not use telemarketers but do have stores, such as T-Mobile, Orange, and 3-Mobile, might reject a customer who applies at a store only to accept him or her later that day when they apply online.
T-Mobile is the first choice for many customers, who look here and are satisfied by its combination of savings and reputation. Taking on a large, worldwide base of customers is part of its market strategy, and this means taking on those who might live close to the margin economically. This is not something T-Mobile is likely to advertise, because it is not in their interest to be known as a poor folks phone, but anyone who applies directly online is likely to be accepted by T-Mobile.
T-Mobile and its top competitors all scramble for that big global market. 3 Mobile and Orange are aggressively chasing T-Mobile. In this situation, customers might catch a great deal from either of them if they keep their eyes open. Like T-Mobile, neither phone company wants to specifically advertise that it does not require credit checks, but most anyone applying directly online ought to be accepted.
It is certainly best to choose an inexpensive cell phone. This is not just a matter of saving cash, or avoiding the appearance of vanity. Better credit is usually needed to purchase the better phones, so selecting one might make you subject to having a check run which you might otherwise have avoided.
The SIM card-only option is the least expensive of all, and it certainly does not demand any search. It does however demand that you have still kept an old cell phone. Since the company does not have to provide a cell phone itself, it is free to pass on the savings to its customers. Each of the three major phone companies under discussion offers its own SIM service for customers interested in how to obtain contract phones without having to undergo a credit check.
About the Author:
Have a look at our site for tips and advice on how to get contract phones no credit check. You can also find complete details about the benefits of no credit check mobile phones, now!