By Stuart Edson There are nine original classes you can choose from in the wonderful world of Warcraft. The choice of the class is determined by the choice of the contest. You have two races to choose from. Each race has a special number of classes to pick from. The Shaman is one of the several classes. Before you choose a class, have to see the function and abilities of the class. The Shaman is one of the most versatile lessons in the game. The Paladins have very strong group support and buff abilities. They are operate groups. They are good at support with each other. Some people say that they are the best buffing and group supporting classes in the game. But it is arguably. They are not weak as the mages. They can handle with the weapons. They can wear heavy platter armor and they can carry shields. That means they can fight with the enemies in the fights. The mage leveling guide are needed for the World of Warcraft players. The can heal but are single target healers. The...