When you're suffering from hemorrhoids, finding out the best treatment becomes an urgent question. While uncomfortable and painful, it is not usually very serious. While you may require medical attention for hemorrhoids, simple home remedies can often bring relief. You may find that some of the following hemorrhoid treatments will help to heal your condition. Some of the following hemorrhoid treatment options may work for you.
One hemorrhoid treatment that is all natural, and might even be considered a folk remedy, is apple cider vinegar. This is a versatile substance that is used for many ailments, and you'll be happy to know that hemorrhoids is one of them. Apple cider vinegar contains agents that have anti-inflammatory in addition to anti-bacterial actions. In order to benefit, the standard approach is to add a small measure to a glass of water and drink it, and you need to do that every day. While there are some folks who will advocate applying topically; we advise against because some have reported feeling irritation with the direct application.
Garlic is a simple, natural hemorrhoids treatment. Garlic possesses anti-inflammatory properties and powerful healing ability. You can take garlic in many different ways. Food is an obvious way to eat it, but it's often easier to take garlic capsules. They are highly concentrated and you can forget about garlic breath. You can also apply garlic externally to hemorrhoids to reduce pain and swelling. By placing a teaspoon of crushed garlic on square gauze you can create a simple but effective garlic compress. To reduce inflammation and kill any harmful bacteria in the area, simply apply the compress to the anal region for ten to fifteen minutes.
There is a bit of a high tech treatment for hemorrhoids which involves using lasers; however your doctor may suggest to avoid that until all else has been officially exhausted. However only those with extremelly severe hemorrhoids are likely candidates for lasers. Even though this is a surgical procedure, it can be done in the doctor's office and only takes about fifteen minutes, and you then need a full day to recover.
If you watch what you eat you can avoid getting hemorrhoids. Sometimes the factors of constipation are the cause of hemorrhoids. The reality is that if you dont eat enough fiber you will get constipated and then you could get hemorrhoids. By eating more whole grains, fruits and vegetables, you can often put an end to both of these uncomfortable conditions. Hemorrhoids and constipation can be avoided if you don't eat certain foods. If you have hemorrhoids you may want to eat a bland diet for a while.
If you want to prevent hemorrhoids or keep them from returning you should modify your daily eating habits. There are many hemorrhoids treatments, some of which are discussed above. Many factors will determine the right treatment for your symptoms. Even though hemorrhoids are not usually to serious, you don't want to ignore them, if they are untreated they can get worse. The treatment that works for you is out there. After you've done this you will notice that if your hemorrhoids come back it still works.
One hemorrhoid treatment that is all natural, and might even be considered a folk remedy, is apple cider vinegar. This is a versatile substance that is used for many ailments, and you'll be happy to know that hemorrhoids is one of them. Apple cider vinegar contains agents that have anti-inflammatory in addition to anti-bacterial actions. In order to benefit, the standard approach is to add a small measure to a glass of water and drink it, and you need to do that every day. While there are some folks who will advocate applying topically; we advise against because some have reported feeling irritation with the direct application.
Garlic is a simple, natural hemorrhoids treatment. Garlic possesses anti-inflammatory properties and powerful healing ability. You can take garlic in many different ways. Food is an obvious way to eat it, but it's often easier to take garlic capsules. They are highly concentrated and you can forget about garlic breath. You can also apply garlic externally to hemorrhoids to reduce pain and swelling. By placing a teaspoon of crushed garlic on square gauze you can create a simple but effective garlic compress. To reduce inflammation and kill any harmful bacteria in the area, simply apply the compress to the anal region for ten to fifteen minutes.
There is a bit of a high tech treatment for hemorrhoids which involves using lasers; however your doctor may suggest to avoid that until all else has been officially exhausted. However only those with extremelly severe hemorrhoids are likely candidates for lasers. Even though this is a surgical procedure, it can be done in the doctor's office and only takes about fifteen minutes, and you then need a full day to recover.
If you watch what you eat you can avoid getting hemorrhoids. Sometimes the factors of constipation are the cause of hemorrhoids. The reality is that if you dont eat enough fiber you will get constipated and then you could get hemorrhoids. By eating more whole grains, fruits and vegetables, you can often put an end to both of these uncomfortable conditions. Hemorrhoids and constipation can be avoided if you don't eat certain foods. If you have hemorrhoids you may want to eat a bland diet for a while.
If you want to prevent hemorrhoids or keep them from returning you should modify your daily eating habits. There are many hemorrhoids treatments, some of which are discussed above. Many factors will determine the right treatment for your symptoms. Even though hemorrhoids are not usually to serious, you don't want to ignore them, if they are untreated they can get worse. The treatment that works for you is out there. After you've done this you will notice that if your hemorrhoids come back it still works.
About the Author:
I wrote this article about hemorrhoids since it's health related and while looking at a career in the Dental Assistants arena, I authored a posting titled dental hygienist requirements you'll find very worthwhile.