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Another Satisfied Customer - Career Salaries Book Review

By Anthony Diaz

None of it is useful. All my customers demand that I go on site. This book is a combination time-management/small-business manual with a twist. Most of the information here has been covered elsewhere. And yet I found this book absolutely INFURIATING. If you are a corporate drone in a totally meaningless and worthless job, and you are free of the burden of any morals and ethics, this book is for you! Jeremy Ames, Executive Editor First, I have to say that I was very enthusiastic about the first part of this book, as Tim suggests that people should consider other ways of living their life instead of working hard toward an eventual retirement. But later I realized after reading the book that the "live your life now, don't wait until later" concept is not new, and has been preached by everyone from philosophers to life coaches for decades now.

A full 3/4ths of the book is pure filler. Points are dragged out in long email dialogs and embellished stories.

In the remainder of "The 4-Hour Workweek", Tim Ferriss advocates manipulating your boss into permitting you to work remotely using a variety of unsavory tactics. The objective is to obtain "unrestricted mobility" and to "work wherever and whenever you want." He also offers what one could call well-articulated statements of the obvious when developing product ideas: Be sure to have a short, clear statement of the product's benefit. Avoid products that cost more to support than they do to manufacture. It's smoke and mirrors folks nothing more. Oh sure there are some good strategies for improving some things but not to the level this book promises. Don't waste yours. I think this idea of Life Style Design is a great one.

This book doesn't bog the reader down with statistics; doesn't promise to end the cycle of poverty overnight; and doesn't claim to offer a single path to riches. What Ferriss teaches in this book isn't like other books about getting rich.

I can honestly say that I was surprised at some of the things he wrote, and his sometimes not-awful style. There are some good things in here too.

Create an instructional DVD or CD (and of course he shows you the best places to produce them for you), or perhaps write an instructional book, and then sell this book to the masses. I'm sitting there reading this book and it occurred to me - this guy just DID EXACTLY THAT to me! The New Rich, he writes, "negotiates a remote work agreement to achieve 90% of the results in one-tenth of the time, which frees him to practice cross-country skiing and take road trips with his family two weeks per month. Furthermore, the New Rich ask for forgiveness, not permission.

My conclusion is that you will not get there (wherever "there" may be for you) by working four hours per week. Vision, hard work, and persistence are the 3 main "secret" ingredients for success. Unfortunately, there's a lot of bad.

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