When it comes to my household, at least, it's normal for funny gifts in order to be given. Birthdays and even anniversaries, to an extent, are subject to these gifts and even a lighthearted greeting card, if nothing else, may be given in order to keep the mood from being too deep. If you ask me, these are the sorts of gifts that will always have a place in a household. Here are only a few of the many great ideas to use if you want to get a funny gift for someone.
As far as greeting cards are concerned, some of the best ones that can be considered funny gifts are the sound-activated ones. Anyone who's ever stepped into retail, for instance, knows exactly what these are about. For example, a greeting card could have a graduation-like design on the front and you might notice there's a bit more bulk to it than normal. Like some of the dolls one could find on I Am a Stuffed Animal, there is audio to be had. The graduation card could potentially greet you with the sounds of the Hallelujah chorus before you know it.
Another funny gift idea, which one that has become a popular kitchen or diner piece, is the Chia Pet. I'm more than certain people are aware of what is essentially a tree inside of a pot to look like an animal. In recent years, though, these items have become rather eccentric in design. If you have come across a Spongebob Squarepants or Barack Obama one in your time, just know that you're not alone and that you might have come across yet another humorous gift idea for a family member.
I feel like one gift that has a certain appeal when it comes to audiences has got to be the Big Mouth Billy Bass. This comedic mantelpiece was widely popular during the 90's and people today can still recall it affectionately if it's brought up in conversation. There's not much else you can remember about a fish, mounted on a trophy plaque, which will sing old songs with the push of a button. If I can say one thing about this bass, it's that if it's able to make me think about it when I'm originally trying to find what the lyrics to "Take Me to the River" are, that's a gift doing a good job on its own.
Funny gifts can range from simple to intricate depending on how much effort you want to put into them. For example, a greeting card with sound is perfectly appropriate and it can fit a variety of needs once you're browsing the aisles of a store. Other gifts may serve as novelties, if nothing else. A Chia Pet may be less functional than a Big Mouth Billy Bass but it can be every bit as lovable to the right person. Make sure to tailor your gift-giving accordingly and you will be just fine in getting a laugh out of them.
As far as greeting cards are concerned, some of the best ones that can be considered funny gifts are the sound-activated ones. Anyone who's ever stepped into retail, for instance, knows exactly what these are about. For example, a greeting card could have a graduation-like design on the front and you might notice there's a bit more bulk to it than normal. Like some of the dolls one could find on I Am a Stuffed Animal, there is audio to be had. The graduation card could potentially greet you with the sounds of the Hallelujah chorus before you know it.
Another funny gift idea, which one that has become a popular kitchen or diner piece, is the Chia Pet. I'm more than certain people are aware of what is essentially a tree inside of a pot to look like an animal. In recent years, though, these items have become rather eccentric in design. If you have come across a Spongebob Squarepants or Barack Obama one in your time, just know that you're not alone and that you might have come across yet another humorous gift idea for a family member.
I feel like one gift that has a certain appeal when it comes to audiences has got to be the Big Mouth Billy Bass. This comedic mantelpiece was widely popular during the 90's and people today can still recall it affectionately if it's brought up in conversation. There's not much else you can remember about a fish, mounted on a trophy plaque, which will sing old songs with the push of a button. If I can say one thing about this bass, it's that if it's able to make me think about it when I'm originally trying to find what the lyrics to "Take Me to the River" are, that's a gift doing a good job on its own.
Funny gifts can range from simple to intricate depending on how much effort you want to put into them. For example, a greeting card with sound is perfectly appropriate and it can fit a variety of needs once you're browsing the aisles of a store. Other gifts may serve as novelties, if nothing else. A Chia Pet may be less functional than a Big Mouth Billy Bass but it can be every bit as lovable to the right person. Make sure to tailor your gift-giving accordingly and you will be just fine in getting a laugh out of them.
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Click here today if you are searchingfor some more great gift ideas from IAASA!. Free reprint available from: Funny Gifts Meant For Your Family.