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Discover The Fascination Of Fayum Art

By Rebekah Alford

Fayum art is the term which has been given to portraits which were discovered in Egyptian tombs all over Egypt, but particularly in the Fayum basin, hence the name given to them. These arresting portraits were painted on wooden panels and used to cover the faces of mummies. They are the best surviving examples we have of panel painting, dating back to the Coptic period when the Romans occupied Egypt.

The people portrayed were from the upper classes as not all the mummies found had portraits. It was probably only the rich, influential people who could afford one and therefore it is leaders in the government, military and church and the wealthy who are depicted. The portraits also reflect Greek tradition rather than Egyptian, showing the influence of the Greeks who settled in Egypt after it was conquered by Alexander the Great.

The fascination with these portraits has meant that modern technologies have been used to analyze them. This has shown that the artists appear to have worked with a number of standard forms, rather than using the specific facial proportions of each individual. They then add other details such as hairstyles and beards to make them distinctive.

Hard woods such as lime, sycamore and ceder were preferred for the wooden panels. These panels were rectangular in shape and were primed with a layer of plaster before painting began. The primer prevented the pigments from disappearing into the wood. In some cases the artist would make a drawing on the primer before beginning to paint.

The paint used was made up of pigments and a binder mixed with them. The earliest technique for portraits was a combination of the pigments and wax (encaustic). This technique produced paintings which seemed like oil paintings, even though oil paint had not yet been discovered. The colors produced were very vivid and superior to the tempera method which came later. Tempera was cheaper and quicker to apply but colors were not as intense. Pigments were mixed with an egg base rather than wax.

Portraits depicted the deceased person, showing only the head and shoulders. Many of them showed the deceased at a fairly young age. The full frontal perspective and the concentration on facial features gave them a startling realism. The person was usually looking slightly to the left to add some perspective. The background was mostly monochrome.

The portraits were used to cover the faces of the mummified bodies, being mounted into the bands of cloth that were used for wrapping. In this way, they gave an opening almost like a window, showing the face of the deceased person. Portraits were occasionally painted directly onto the wrappings of the mummy.

Original portraits are found today in various museums, giving a fascinating glimpse into a past era. They have a strong impact due to the intense colors and their realistic nature. The preservation of the intensity of colors is most likely due to the hot dry climate of Egypt.

With the admiration of the fayum art form, has come the inspiration to recreate it. Of course the best modern materials are used for this process, which involves transferring an image onto a wooden panel which has been specially prepared. Once the image has been transferred, the real work starts with artists using various materials and utensils to create the desired effect.

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