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Guide To Choosing A Foundation Repair Consultant

By Patty Goff

Cracks that form in the walls, floors, or ceilings of a home may simply be the results of aging but they can also indicate a fault in the foundation of the house which has much more serious implications. In this latter case, a simple do-it-yourself patch job will not suffice, instead it is imperative that the homeowner enlist the professional services of a foundation repair consultant. Those living in Dallas, TX will find these tips useful when they are in the market for such a company.

The nature of foundation repair is not one which a homeowner or handyman can safely tackle alone, therefore it is advisable to have the problem assessed by at least three licensed contractors who specialize in this area. Waiting longer to address this issue will possibly allow it to get worse, ultimately costing more to fix it. Getting an inspection and plan to correct the causative issues in a timely manner is imperative.

The contractor whom one decides to hire, should have had his work assessed and successfully approved by the ICC-ES (International Code Council Evaluation Services), an organization dedicated to ensuring that all building products used in structural remedial work are up to code. It is normal to expect that an honest contractor will charge extra for the installation of any hydraulic pilings placed past a depth of 20 to 30 feet.

Homeowners are also wise to ask the company about its worker training requirements, and request to see proof that they are certified. Finding out how long they have been in business, and about the testing, types, protective coatings, and patents of all piles and piers used are other valuable details the customer should inquire about.

There should be a warranty on the workmanship and products used. Ideally, the contractor will offer a transferable limited lifetime warranty along with a warranty trust, which provides coverage even in the event that their company goes out of business. They should also show proof of having general liability and workers compensation insurance.

It is also very helpful if the company has a reliable customer service department. They should only be a phone call away should the customer have any questions or concerns both during the work and after it is complete. In some cases, the company will give a free re-inspection to all customers once every year to check its condition and make sure there aren't any other problems.

A full inspection of the home usually takes about two hours. The contractor will do a visual assessment, measure its dimensions, interior and exterior elevations, and make a complete record of all notable cracks or other weak spots.

The customer should then be presented with a complete service plan that describes all problems detected during the inspection and also details the appropriate course of action needed to remedy them. This plan should list the type and location of pilings and also give a cost estimate for the work. It should also state what the customer should expect from the repair as well as what not to expect, and give indications for any actions needed to maintain a strong structure

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