By Ryann Ronhaar Loan places which are also known as loan stores are places where you look for loans and they were made to help those individuals who need cash urgently to solve an emergency. The loan places offer short term loans that are easy to apply for and may take just a few minutes to apply. Such loans get approved very fast and you may get the amount within 24 hours. Such loans will be of great benefit to those individuals who need cash urgently. As a fore mentioned, the procedure in applying for payday loan or fast cash is very simple. The borrower does need to submit or fax in documents or photocopied ones together with the loan application. Payday loan lenders do not need them. No credit investigation will be conducted as well which means that having zero or bad credit history is not a big deal. Most individuals are highly inconvenienced by submission of documents or poor credit ratings when applying for a loan. The pay day loan has made such problems disappear because ...