Local SEO has become a hot new trend in the search engine industry because of the response it can get you. Below are a few local SEO tips that you can use to grow your business.
A good way to get the most from local searches is to go about listing yourself with the bigwigs in the industry. We're talking about Google Maps and Yahoo! Local. These are the biggest names you can list with, so you should focus on that first before you think about moving forward. Your aim of listing with these huge names is to get more search engine traffic, which will help you realize your goals. Getting listed in Google Maps isn't that difficult if you take the right steps. It only requires filling out a tiny form and then responding to a phone or email message that will allow you to verify your identity. After that verification process, you'll usually have to wait about six weeks to see your site in the local search listings. Similarly, coming to Yahoo! the process is the same, except that you don't need to go through the verification. Yahoo! allows you to fully customize your listing any way you wish.
It only requires filling out a tiny form and then responding to a phone or email message that will allow you to verify your identity. Once you have verified everything, you'll have to wait for four to six weeks before you can see your site in the local search listings. You'll see that Yahoo! isn't much different, except the verification process is missing. Yahoo! allows you to fully customize your listing any way you wish.
While Google takes a long time to approve you, Yahoo! approves applicants quickly. If you can do this correctly, you'll see targeted traffic in no time. One of the most overlooked local SEO techniques is to make sure that your ads mention all of the places in which your business operates. Each city, county and state that you serve with your business should be listed in your ads. How will you do this well? Simply listing each area through bullet points won't get you very good results but if you mention them within the content of the ad you should get some good responses. The main reason for this is that you give the search engines more data so that they have an easier time of pinpointing your business activities and locations. Your promotional and SEO efforts can be greatly assisted by doing this. What you need to remember is that even though these tips seem very simple, your local SEO efforts will be aided a great deal by making sure these tips get applied to your campaigns.
The search engines will also look favorably upon your site if you can get quality local websites to link back to you. Seek out well known sites such as the chamber of commerce or Better Business Bureau, that carry a lot of weight in your area. You can find such sites by Googling your city name along with the keyword "business directory." Contact these groups and find out what it takes to get a listing with them.
All in all, these SEO tips can take you far as long as you use them..
A good way to get the most from local searches is to go about listing yourself with the bigwigs in the industry. We're talking about Google Maps and Yahoo! Local. These are the biggest names you can list with, so you should focus on that first before you think about moving forward. Your aim of listing with these huge names is to get more search engine traffic, which will help you realize your goals. Getting listed in Google Maps isn't that difficult if you take the right steps. It only requires filling out a tiny form and then responding to a phone or email message that will allow you to verify your identity. After that verification process, you'll usually have to wait about six weeks to see your site in the local search listings. Similarly, coming to Yahoo! the process is the same, except that you don't need to go through the verification. Yahoo! allows you to fully customize your listing any way you wish.
It only requires filling out a tiny form and then responding to a phone or email message that will allow you to verify your identity. Once you have verified everything, you'll have to wait for four to six weeks before you can see your site in the local search listings. You'll see that Yahoo! isn't much different, except the verification process is missing. Yahoo! allows you to fully customize your listing any way you wish.
While Google takes a long time to approve you, Yahoo! approves applicants quickly. If you can do this correctly, you'll see targeted traffic in no time. One of the most overlooked local SEO techniques is to make sure that your ads mention all of the places in which your business operates. Each city, county and state that you serve with your business should be listed in your ads. How will you do this well? Simply listing each area through bullet points won't get you very good results but if you mention them within the content of the ad you should get some good responses. The main reason for this is that you give the search engines more data so that they have an easier time of pinpointing your business activities and locations. Your promotional and SEO efforts can be greatly assisted by doing this. What you need to remember is that even though these tips seem very simple, your local SEO efforts will be aided a great deal by making sure these tips get applied to your campaigns.
The search engines will also look favorably upon your site if you can get quality local websites to link back to you. Seek out well known sites such as the chamber of commerce or Better Business Bureau, that carry a lot of weight in your area. You can find such sites by Googling your city name along with the keyword "business directory." Contact these groups and find out what it takes to get a listing with them.
All in all, these SEO tips can take you far as long as you use them..