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Rooftop Swimming Pools

By Scott Rodgers

Rooftop pools are quite a luxury to have. There is a lot of creative & technical desiging for the structural engineers and pool designers to come up with detailed top roof pool plans. To handle the weight of the water, the pol sits atop the building's structural concrete columns.

As it can be risky for your home to hold a swimming pool over head, it is better to be precautions on the earlier stage itself. The technology is such made that it provides a peace of mind to the users. The pools are made up on platforms, so the weight gets equally distributed over the roof and leaks do not occur. You can even deck it up by adding a garden on the other end of your roof.

The plumbing & roofing requirements are one too many for rooftop swimming pools because of which they are oputent things to have. To have one that is easy to maintain and structurally sound, you will need a rooferand a structural engineer besides a plumber.

Everything has some pros and cons. Similarly, a rooftop swimming pool gives you free space for other purposes but it may become quite unmanageable for your roof to handle all that weight. But, as the pool is built up on structural concrete columns of the building, it is quite safe.

Hydraulic Equipment in an accessible place on the roof is also an integral part that helps to maintain the roof, with all that extra weight. It may become difficult to manage if it is hidden away in a far-off place.

Keep in mind that the weight on roof must be as less as possible.Usually, rooftop pools are shallower and smaller in size than the regular ones. Horizontal structures aren't affected by point loads, as the pool is supported by the structural columns of the building.

Also, the roofing material used while construction must be of good quality and the roof must be thicker so that it can hold all that weight. Also, it must be completely waterproof. However, it must not be mixed with get-to- gether or parties as they pull in a lot of crowd leading to extra weight.

Building a swimming pool on your rooftop is a challenging task. Don't just select a contractor blindly just because some one you know had chosen him. Choose one very patiently as even a single mistake can mess up all your dreams.

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