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The Symptoms of Lymphoma in Women

By Jon Michael David

Lymphoma symptoms in women do not usually differ significantly from the symptoms of lymphoma in men.

Lymphoma usually grows without showing very many symptoms and it can take some time before you figure out that something is not quite right.

Here is a list of the common symptoms of lymphoma in women and symptoms of lymphoma in men, as well.

It's vital to remember that taken alone, these symptoms do NOT indicate a lymphoma necessarily. It is when multiple lymphoma symptoms are present that the patient should seek the advice of a medical professional.

For this reason, it's wise to consult with your doctor if you experience any of them.

1. Swelling of the Lymph Nodes

This is the symptom most commonly associated with lymphoma and may even be the only one experienced.

It's very important to note that a lot of different things can cause an enlargement of the lymph nodes and it does NOT necessarily mean you have lymphoma!

Characteristically, the groin-area lymph nodes, as well as those located in the armpits and neck will be the ones to swell yet they will be painless.

The human body has close to half a thousand lymph nodes which act as immunity "soldiers".

If they swell, this is often an indication that the body has begun an immune response against some type of microbe.

You might find these swollen nodes while taking a shower or performing your daily cleaning routine.

The following symptoms can possibly point to lymphoma only if they are accompanied by swelling of the lymph nodes.

2. Losing Weight

Often, weight loss can occur for seemingly no good reason.

Weight loss can range from a few pounds to up to 20 or so.

3. Fever

Running a fever without any good explanation and that isn't part of a cold or flu is a signal to go see your doctor.

Symptoms of lymphoma can be confused with symptoms of other illnesses and, in fact, a lymphoma that causes fever accompanied by lymph node swelling is frequently mistaken for a flu or something similar.

For those individuals affected with a Hodgkins lymphoma, a characteristic kind of fever name Pel-Ebstein fever can occur.

4. Night Sweats

Sweating excessively at night, waking up soaked in sweat, etc.

5. Pruritis (Skin Itches)

Lymphoma cells can secrete a chemical that causes the skin to itch. This condition is technically called pruritis.

6. Lack of Appetite

People with lymphoma may lose their appetite, which can result in dropping weight.

7. Low Energy

Lymphoma competes with healthy cells for the body's energy resources, causing a depletion in energy levels.

8. Swelling

Lymphoma can occur in any organ and in so doing, press against veins, thus cutting off blood supply and causing inflammation.

Localized lymphomas manifest in many different types of symptoms.

For example, a brain lymphoma can cause leg pain and a stomach lymphoma can cause stomach pain.

General Symptoms of Lymphoma in Women and General Symptoms of Lymphoma in Men

The first and most obvious sign of lymphoma is adenopathy, aka lymphadenopathy, which is a painless swelling of the lymph nodes.

This one symptom taken alone should not be interpreted as lymphoma.

It requires medical testing to confirm or negate the diagnosis.

Lymphoma symptoms can be quite various depending on the kind of lymphoma, its level of progression (metastasis), location, size of tumor, etc.

In the beginning stages of lymphoma, symptoms linked with bone-marrow issues such as becoming anemic (low red blood cells count) are infrequent. However, they often develop later on and often as a result of the treatment, itself.

So called MALT (mucosa associated lymphoid tissue) lymphomas attack any mucosal region of the body. The most common site is the stomach. Alterations in bowel movement and stomach pains may point to a problem.

As far as the stomach lymphoma goes, if it is a result of infection with the H. Pylori bacterium, antibiotic treatment can cause the lymphoma to regress in 70%+ of cases.

Reporting Your Symptoms To A Doctor Effectively:

Try to put the severity of your symptom on a scale of 1-10.

For symptoms observed by the naked eye, present them to your physician and also explain any differences in appearance that you've noticed since you've had them.

Explain when you first experienced your symptoms

How long have you had them?

Do the symptoms persist or do they come and go?

List any medicines or supplements you have been taking since the symptoms appeared.

Do the symptoms change depending upon time of day, body position, sleep, etc.

Do certain foods trigger the symptoms?

The more descriptive you are, the more accurate your doctor's information and ability to help you will be. It is your job to give them as much good info as possible so that they can help you figure out your options and decide the best steps to take.

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